The word incorporates “the use of humour, irony, exaggeration or ridicule to
reveal and criticize people’s bad points.” In literature, the term refers to a
type of novel, poem or play, whereby a particular subject, vice or folly in
human nature or in a system is ridiculed.
“A Ten day Fast” was written by Harishankar Parsai around twenty years after the
independence of India. Through
this piece of writing, Parsai holds up to our scrutiny the picture of an
independent country where some people with vested interests use various
strategies to manipulate public opinion and political system. By using such a
method, the writer satirizes the functioning of democracy in the nation.
A Ten Day Fast” is written in the
form of diary entry. Episodes between the dates 10th
January to 21st
in the life of Bannu and his supporters are recorded. Bannu goes on a fast for
an unworthy cause, that is to procure another man’s wife. The diary form of
writing seen together with the contents of the story give a tone of
mock-seriousness to this satirical piece.
10 January:
Bannu had been unsuccessfully
pursuing Savitri, the wife of Radhika Babu. At the outset
the narrator points out that
nothing in this country functions on its own, whether it is the parliament, the
judiciary, bureaucracy, or anything else. Everything has to be influenced and
manoeuvred, in contemporary society. According to the narrator, all major
demands can only be met through threats of fast or threats to kill oneself by
burning (self-immolation). The narrator offers to show Bannu the way to achieve
his heart’s desire: he suggests that Bannu should go on a fast to obtain his
goal. There was a time when the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi used to go
on long fasts for a noble cause, that is the country’s independence. By
juxtaposing the tradition of such 26 fasts with a
frivolous cause in Bannu’s case, the writer satirizes the degeneration of
contemporary political and social systems.
Initially, Bannu is unsure
whether it is possible for someone at all to go on a fast over
such a matter; and whether such a
thing would work. However, he is persuaded by the narrator that much “depends
on how you set up the issue … If the issue is set up well you will get your
woman”. He suggests that they visit Baba Sankidas to procure expert advice and
guidance. The narrator thus reveals that through manipulative and expert
strategies, it is possible to twist and mould situations, and use them for a
negative end.
11 January:
Under the able guidance of the
narrator and Baba Sanki Das, Bannu proceeds on a “fast
unto death”. On January 11, He is
found sitting in a tent. A holy atmosphere has been contrived: incense sticks
burn near him, and a group of people vigorously sing the favourite song of
Mahatma Gandhi. A deceptively pious ambience is built up. {But the reader can
discern the wide gap between the kind of noble purposes for which Gandhiji used
to undergo a fast unto death and Bannu’s base purpose. Baba Sankidas craftily
drafts the Declaration of Principles on Bannu’s behalf. He camouflages Bannu’s
desire for another man’s wife in such a way that it sounds exalted and
philosophic. In the Declaration, Bannu declares that he has been prompted by
his soul which is incomplete without Savitri: “My soul calls out to me saying,
I’m as only one half. My other half is in Savitri. My soul says, Bring the two
halves together and make them one. Or else set me free from this world.” Bannu
declares that he has gone on a fast to bring the two halves of his soul
The diary record made on this
day, that is 11 January, shows how Baba Sanki das, the
master strategist, uses language
to manipulate others and influence public opinion.
13 January:
Bannu finds it difficult to go
through the fast as he has little tolerance for hunger. He asks
whether eminent personalities
such as Jayaprakash Narayan and Vinoba Bhave had come to see him. Some
journalists come to see him and want to know if the fast is for a public cause.
Baba Sankidas shrewdly replies that the priority was to do something to save
Bannu’s life. He adds, “When someone goes on a fast, he makes such a sacrifice
that any cause becomes pure.” The queries of the journalists show how the media
gets attracted to any public display. People like Baba Sankidas exploit the
media to shape and sway public opinion.
Baba Sankidas continues to shape
public opinion. On 14th January, he gets a statement
by Swami Rasanand published in
the papers. Swami Rasanand claims that his ascetic acts have given him the
power to see both the past and the future. These (so-called) powers, Rasanand
asserts, have revealed to him that “Bannu was a sage in his previous life, and
that Savitri was his wife.” He adds that it is a sin that a sage’s wife should
now live with Radhika Prasad. This statement has a great impact on the people.
Many people start taking Bannu’s side.
This extract shows how religion
and media can be manipulated to influence public opinion.
It is clear by this date that
public opinion has emerged in Bannu’s favour. Newspapers
are full of the story of Bannu’s
fast. People in the city are heard saying that Savitri’s husband
is a shameless man and that it is
“a great sin to keep a sage’s wife as your own.” Such shocking public views are
the writer’s way of satirizing democracy in the country. The author shows how
even immoral demands meet with public approval through artful manoeuvering.
Also on this day, arrangements
are made to send a small crowd of people to the Prime
Minister’s residence to appeal to
him to intervene in the matter. Jayaprakash Narayan visits
Bannu that evening. {It must be
borne in mind that in the process of writing a satire, the author uses
imaginary scenes. The events are not meant to be seen as real episodes, but
rather, their value lies in exposing negative social and/or political systems
in a humorous way.
Jayaprakash Narayan, who has been
persuaded to mediate and see the Prime Minister
on Bannu’s behalf, is not
successful in his mission. The narrator feels discouraged, but Baba
Sankidas remains unshaken. The
latter says that at first everyone rejects a demand; and that the time has come
to intensify the struggle.
The Baba instigates the media as
well as the caste system to create ripples of effect in
society in Bannu’s favour. (Bannu
is a Brahmin and Radhika Babu is a Kayasth).
On 17th
the newspaper headlines and a deliberately created advertisement further
shows the use of media by a group
of manipulative people to present the case in Bannu’s favour. Bannu’s
supporters also go to the extent of hiring four local goondas (miscreants).
These people are paid in advance to throw rocks into Kayasth homes, and
then go and throw rocks in Brahmin homes. We see how the politics of
caste- rivalry can be played and misused in a democratic set-up such as India.
Fierce fights take place between
the two caste groups. As a result of all the animosity kindled by the
supporters of Bannu, such as the narrator and Baba Sankidas, Section 144 of the
Indian Penal Code is imposed on the city as a result of all the provocation and
The government has been watching
the situation carefully, although there is a deadlock
as far as the talks are
concerned. Thus we see how a trivial matter can be pushed to proportions of
nation-wide interest by a handful of people with vested interests. To expose
this social evil is one of the primary purposes of this particular satire.
So many days of fasting have made
Bannu weak. He raves and rants that he has been
led into a trap. The narrator is
worried that if Bannu reveals such a statement to the public or
the press, people such as the
narrator and Baba Sankidas will be exposed.
Bannu’s condition continues to
grow worse. The narrator and his advisors issue a public
statement on Bannu’s behalf: “I
may die but I shall not retreat”. There is much uproar in the
nation regarding the issue of
Bannu’s fast. The Brahmin Sabha threatens, “If the demand is not met, ten
Brahmins will immolate themselves”. Savitri attempts suicide, but is saved.
Prayer meetings are held all over the country. Heightening the tone of satire,
the author states that a telegram has been sent to the United Nations.
All the crooked tactics of Baba
Sankidas and the narrator finally yield results!
The government accepts Bannu’s
demands in principle. Baba Sankidas gives a glass of
orange juice to Bannu, as a token
of breaking the fast. Bhajans and prayers are loudly recited.
The author satirizes the functioning of democracy in the country as Baba
Sankidas says triumphantly, “In a democracy, public opinion has to be
respected.” The misuse of Dharma or religion is also mocked at, as
hundreds of men and women come to touch Bannu’s feet, and people shout “Victory
to Truth!” “Victory to Dharma!”
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