As per my experience,
writing is neglected in most cases either by the student or by the teacher.
Teachers place it as a homework activity or just make corrections without
properly explaining the reason behind it. Every day, I give a particular topic
to every class to write at least 10 sentences on. Some actively take part in it
while some take it casually. Students who take it casually are the ones who are
afraid to write due to several reasons like they don't know the sentence
formations, don't have any idea about the topic, feel embarrassed if their
mistake is pointed out and many more. After experiencing this type of
situation, a few thing came to my mind which the learners and teachers should
follow in order to make the students write effectively.
Things learners should do-
They need to know the difference between formal and informal writing.
Must know that writing a personal letter or diary is not the same as writing an
essay or a review of any story or a movie.
Should know whether they are writing to learn how to pronounce or to express
their opinions or simply to practise the language.
After reading an original text, they can write a summary giving their point of
Things teachers should do-
Should explain the differences of formal and informal writings and make the
writing purposeful.
Should always encourage them and teach them to cooperate with others in the
discussion and share their ideas about the text or the poem.
Should act as an audience and teach others to do so in order to motivate the
speaker when they speak out about their writing in front of the class.